Sowing seeds garden workshop
This workshop will be held on Saturday March 5th at 10.00am. Sowing seeds is something most gardeners recognise as a potentially rewarding and money saving exercise. But when I first started sowing seeds, every one success was tinged with three failures.
That led to seeds often being left in the packet, where they are pretty much guaranteed not to grow.
Over many years I have discovered some things that make a difference, making sowing seeds a rewarding task and not a frustration.
The wrong timing, temperature and light levels have in the past left me with empty seed packets and seeds trays filled with dormant soil.
And then the continual debate as to whether the trays should be left a little longer just-in-case, or the contents consigned to the compost heap and trays put to better use.
Finding the right tools and equipment, significantly at the right price, has made sowing seeds an enjoyable experience, and a rewarding one with large numbers of plants to use in the garden to give to friends.
The sowing seeds garden workshop will explore gathering seeds through growing on after germination.
The sowing seeds garden workshop will cover:
Sowing flower seeds
Collecting and storing seed
What soil or growing medium to use
What container to use
Where to find the best information for growing from seed
When to start sowing
How to sow
How best to water
How to start germination
– Temperature
– Moisture
– light
How to improve germination, and prevent problems
What to do when the seeds start growing
When to pot them on (prick out)
Planting out
About the sowing seeds garden workshop, and further garden workshop events
My garden workshops will only be able to host a limited number of guests on each occasion, on a first come or invitation basis, and are intended to impart and share knowledge, not as a commercial venture. They are a free introduction to me.
Some events will be covered presented by myself, but I also hope to introduce other local garden enthusiasts with particular passions and specialist knowledge.
This garden workshop will be held on Saturday 5th March
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