Prevent snow damage in your garden
Pretty as the snow may be, there are situations where it can cause damage in your garden that will take some time to rectify. If you know what to expect, you can reasonably prevent snow damage in your garden, or at least the worst of it.
Firstly, the weight of snow build up can bend and distort the shape of your ornamental shrubs. While the damage is not permanent it can take a lot of preparatory work and months of growing to restore the preferred form. It is very frustrating to have mis-shapen plants after the prolonged work getting the shapes right.
Damage can be more extreme
In extreme cases the weight of snow can cause branches to snap, a much more permanent type of damage . In this case prune out the damaged area before growth resumes in the spring.

That snow lying on top of some plants can actually kill off the growth. This will leave large brown patches of dead leaves that will take up to a year to be replaced. Bay, especially if formed into a globe, ball or lollipop where snow can sit on top, are particularly vulnerable.
Likewise, pittosporum, hebe, phormium and ligustrum can all be affected by snow sitting on them, especially if accompanied by a cold wind.
How to prevent snow damage in your garden
To prevent snow damage in your garden you can use a broom or rake to shake off the snow. If the snow has settled and then frozen it will be harder to remove. If it has become ice then its best to leave it until the weather warms up.
This of course assumes that the snow is an occasional visitor. Take a more pro-active approach if you get snow on a regular basis. This may involve gathering or binding shrubs together with tape, or covering with fleece. Even then it may pay to shake the snow off before it builds up.
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